Sunday, May 24, 2020

"How to start a start-up with help of zero to one "

๐Ÿ“™"ZERO TO ONE"By Peter Thiel is An Excellent Book If You Are Someone who is at a Stage Where You Have an Idea But No Idea Of How Should You Approach It and Actually Execute It! ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ
I Must Say That Each Chapter In This Book is Well Placed In Order Of Importance & Understanding ( And In Order Of How A Startup Actually Grows) Which Is Incredible - Every Chapter is Unique , Precise and Upto The Point with a Perfect Conclusion Which Sums Up The Idea Correctly ๐Ÿง ๐Ÿ’ฌ

The Chapters Which Were Eye Openers For Me and Which You Must Not Miss at All From This Book are :-
Chapter 2 : Party Like it's 1999 - Here We Actually See what Common Mistakes Startups Make and How Can You Go Around It ๐Ÿƒ‍♀️๐Ÿƒ
Chapter 3 : All Happy Companies are Different - Here You See What Can Have Your Startup Get an Edge Over Everyone ๐ŸŒฑ
Chapters 4 & 5 Help You Understand And Overcome Competition In Your Niche - And All This in The Right Way! ⚖️
Chapter 11 : If You Build It , Will They Come Shows us the Mirror Of Practicality and How Should We Properly Adapt To Circumstances ๐Ÿคน‍♂️๐ŸŽช
Chapters 12 , 13 & 14 Are Really Impactful and Leave You Thinking About Your Startup In The Most Correct Way! Also , It has alot of Case Studies from The Famous People And What Should We Take Care Of! ๐Ÿ
This Book Can Sometimes Go Way above your Nice Or Understanding But You Do Not Have To Worry - You have to Read This Book While Thinking About Your Startup and I am Certain It'll be Absolutely Beneficial! ๐Ÿ’ธ

.This Book is A Must Read And If Possible Read it Twice To Understand And Explore New Ideas Correctly! ๐ŸŒ

Let me know in the comments box About Today's Post ๐ŸŒ️‍♀️๐Ÿง˜‍♂️

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