Saturday, May 16, 2020

Review of "The Happiness Equation" by Neil Pasricha

"The Happiness Equation" by Neil Pasricha
is about sorting out our priorities to have a happier life.

The Happiness Equation lays out nine secrets to happiness. Each one is easily understandable and adaptable.

It has the following nine chapters (secrets) in it: 

Secret #1 Be Happy First 
Secret #2 Do It For You 
Secret #3 Remember The Lottery 
Secret #4 Never Retire 
Secret #5 Overvalue You 
Secret #6 Create Space 
Secret #7 Just Do it 
Secret #8 Be You
Secret #9 Don't Take Advice

Some of my favorites takeaways are:

 • Negativity is natural.  Our brains are wired to scan for problems.  This has been necessary for our survival for hundreds of thousands of years.  Today, our priority is not just to survive, but to be happy, so we have to rewire our brain to scan for positives.  

• We all have the same 168 hours in a week.  Neil splits it up into three equal buckets: 56 hours for sleeping, 56 for working, and 56 left over.  In order to be happy, we want to appreciate, not dread, our work bucket, because it's the one that supports the other buckets.  And we need to spend our spare time, the 56 hours left over, on our passion. 

 • We can't be happy living for other people.  We have to be authentic to ourselves.  What do you crave doing when you have no obligations on a Saturday morning?  That's a hint towards your authentic self.  Lean into that, and don't live for anyone else's advice or opinions.

I enjoyed this book. The takeaway I'm holding on to is not desiring more stuff to be happy, which is tied to scanning for problems. Gratitude is a huge unlock to happiness.🤗🤗

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